What We Do

Our Practice Areas

Legal Aid of Marin’s mission is to create an equitable Marin by empowering the community through legal representation, advocacy and education. Our vision is for an inclusive Marin with equal justice and opportunity for all.

Image of citiizen pic on Keeping Marin’s Families In Their Homes

Keeping Marin’s Families In Their Homes


Legal Aid Marin’s services include: Eviction defense Habitability complaints Tenant organizing (Tenant Associations) and education Security deposit recovery Homelessness prevention When a West Marin oyster farm faced closure...

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Image of due pic on Getting Workers Their Due

Getting Workers Their Due


Legal Aid Marin’s services include: Minimum wage, overtime, and break enforcement Employment discrimination Wrongful termination Improper payroll deductions Legal Aid of Marin broke new ground under California Labor...

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Image of resolving pic on Resolving Cases

Resolving Cases

Marin Community Court

The first of its kind in Marin, the Marin Community Court debuted in April of 2011 with the goal of helping homeless defendants, and others living at society’s...

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Funding for this program, at least in part, is made available by the Older Americans Act, administered locally by the Marin Department of Health and Human Services, Aging and Adult Services.